• Accessibility Services
  • Accommodations & Services
  • Housing Accommodations
  • Housing Accommodations

    The residential experience is an integral part of a Goucher education, and the college is committed to the full participation of students with disabilities in all aspects of college life, including residential life.

    Students who seek accommodations based on their disability must complete the forms below, and provide appropriate supporting documentation from a health care professional to demonstrate the need for the accommodation requested.

    Accommodations are reserved for individuals whose documentation illustrates clear and substantial needs for a particular living environment or location. The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) will review all requests and documentation provided on a case-by-case basis.

    Students seeking a housing accommodation must submit the following documentation to OAS (dependent upon request):

    Assistance Animals Treating Provider Form (PDF)

    Medical and Physical Disabilities Treating Provider Form (PDF)

    Mental Health and ADHD Treating Provider Form (PDF)

    If a student seeks accommodations related to more than one disability, more than one professional may need to be involved in providing documentation. Students who are unsure about the type(s) of documentation needed should consult with the OAS.

    *For returning students: In order to ensure that you receive appropriate accommodations, you must submit your accommodation request form by November for Spring enrollment and March for Fall enrollment.  After these deadlines have passed, housing accommodations will be offered only on a "space available" basis.  New students are encouraged to email access@speckythirdeye.com to begin the intake process at anytime, but note: deadlines are dependent upon the student's date of registration into Goucher's system.

    **The College does not discriminate in the provision of housing to students with disabilities. The College will provide comparable, convenient, and accessible housing to students with disabilities at the same cost as to others, and the College will make reasonable modifications to its housing policies, procedures, and practices when the modifications are necessary to avoid discrimination, unless the College can demonstrate that making the modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of the housing services provided by the College.